REVEALED: My new “rapid slimming” formula

Im FINALLY revealing my newest formula and how its helped people shed multiple pant sizes.

Gundry MD

Sent on 14 June 2024 09:28 AM

Text Summary Of This Email

Im FINALLY revealing my newest formula and how its helped people shed multiple pant sizes.
Tim its finally time!
After getting thousands of excited emails from Gundry MD subscribers
Based on the enormous interest I'm seeing
from the Gundry MD family, this is set
to be our FASTEST SELLING product launch
to date.
Today, Im revealing EVERYTHING about my brand new weight loss breakthrough
And how it can help you reap amazing results like:
A significant reduction in body fat and waist size(without giving up foods or living in the gym)*
A stimulated metabolism (which burns fat around the clock even when youre sitting completely still)*
Boosted energy levels and cardiovascular fitness (so you can enjoy an active summer)*
Freedom from junk food cravings (to make staying slim near effortless)*
Even better: It can also help you achieve relief from sore joints and improved cognitive function.*
In fact, this formula is based on research thats already helped men and women of all ages:
Drop an average of 12 pounds of fat in weeks*
(while maintaining lean muscle)
Melt almost 4 inches off their waist AND hips*
(thats multiple belt sizes!)
Kickstart their metabolism to burn more calories*
(even while theyre resting on the couch)
I call it
Omni Slim
Omni Slim is a revolutionary formula designed to help you slim down, enjoy sky-high energy levels, a younger-feeling body, and a dynamic, active lifestyle...
By helping your metabolism burn fat around the clock and convert it into ENERGY that recharges your brain, heart, muscles, and more.
Im excited to announce, this new formula will be ready for you to try on Friday, June 21st at 8am Pacific time.
HOWEVER it will ONLY be available to the Priority Access List.
So if youd like to see how this formula changes YOUR body, click below right away to apply for early access.
Click HERE To Apply For Priority Access To My
Brand New Fat-Busting Formula, Omni Slim
Omni Slim achieves these incredible results in a way diet, exercise, and other typical weight loss methods CANT
Because it targets excess body fat at the source:
Your metabolism.
You probably know your metabolism controls your bodys ability to turn nagging fat into energy.
But its effects actually go further than that.
Because the fat your metabolism burns also powers your digestion, energy levels, immune system, heart rate, breathing, muscle density, hormones, and bodily repairs.
In short,
when your metabolism is working right
The rest of your body will be too.
But when your metabolism is sluggish
It can take a toll on your entire body.
Do You Experience Any Of
These Metabolic Concerns?
[ ] Weight issues
Where it feels difficult to lose those
pesky pounds but easy to gain them
[ ] Low energy
Making you feel tired by the time noon hits
[ ] Stubborn fat
Clinging to your belly, arms, thighs, hips, butt, or face
[ ] Digestive discomfort
Such as indigestion, bloating, gas, etc.
[ ] Moments of brain fog
Affecting your ability to think on the spot,
recall info, and learn new things
[ ] Physical body discomfort
Including stiff joints or sore muscles
[ ] Skin blemishes
Like dark spots, redness, rashes, or discoloration
[ ] Feeling out of breath
Doing physical activities that used to be no problem
[ ] Unhealthy food cravings
Especially for carbs and sugar
If any of these concerns sound familiar, a slow metabolism may be to blame
And Im certain Omni Slim is right for YOU.
Now, you probably know our metabolism naturally slows as we age.
For most of human history, this decline was gentle enough to not cause too many problems.
Ever wonder why people looked so much slimmer
in the 1950s? New research reveals it may be
because they werent exposed to a modern
metabolism-killing compound.
Thats why in classic American beach photos from the past people of all ages look healthy, slim, and in great shape.
Even though everyone ate a high-calorie breakfast of steak and eggs.
This is because the real problem has little to do with age.
You see, nowadays, an influx of modern metabolic killers has swept through society
In the form of ultra-processed foods, tap water, pollution, soaps, creams, pharmaceuticals, plastics, pesticides, and more.
Meaning we are constantly exposed to a host of substances that wreak havoc on our metabolism.
Theres even a medical name for these highly fattening compounds:
In terms of our diet alone, 73% of the US food supply is now ultra-processed and packed with these nasty substances.
And obesogens massively sabotage your weight loss efforts by disrupting your metabolism.
Thats because they can:
Increase the number of fat cells in your body
Store more fat in those cells
Increase cravings for unhealthy foods
Slow your metabolism to a snails pace
The result?
A body that feels heavy, pudgy, and out of shape.
If youve ever wondered why Americans get HEAVIER year after year
Even though were eating LESS calories and working out MORE
Obesogens are why.
But make no mistake this is actually great news.
Because if you struggle with weight issues, excess fat, sore joints, indigestion, feeling out of shape, or battling fatigue
This research means its NOT because you lack discipline
Or because you occasionally eat fast food
Or because you need to workout more
And its certainly not just a part of getting older.
If you want to look and feel slimmer, stronger, and more energetic than you have in years
You just need to find a way to help your metabolism WIN the fight against obesogens.
And thats where my new breakthrough comes in.
You see, a couple of years ago I made it my mission to ELIMINATE the metabolism-killing effects of obesogens once and for all.
And I made an incredible discovery.
It turns out, while many ultra-processed modern foods can slow your metabolism down
Other foods can help rev it back up to top gear!
So I got to work identifying the BEST foods for pressing rewind on your metabolism.
And after screening more than 200 of them
I found 3 superfoods that practically nobody eats
With incredible slimming potential.
Their names are Curcuma Longa, Moringa Oleifera, and Murraya Koenigii.
After examining more than 200 superfoods
from around the world, I determined these 3 have
the STRONGEST metabolism-supporting potential.
It turns out, these 3 superfoods are the rejuvenating secret of the extraordinarily fit seniors in a little-known Himalayan village.
These superagers have youthful skin almost no digestive issues strong hearts
And of course slim, energetic, chiseled bodies.
My research suggests they owe their incredible health to these 3 superfoods which they eat daily.
Because, individually any one of these 3 foods can give your metabolism the major kick it needs to burn excess body fat.,,
Even if youve battled with your weight for years.
And together they can help virtually anyone slim down their goal physique and stay in great shape for good.,
But heres whats even more exciting:
When you condense and concentrate these foods
With a perfectly precise dose down to the microgram
It can help you slim down to your dream physique in a way thats BETTER and FASTER than anything Ive seen.
Which is why I was THRILLED to find a patented ingredient that combines all 3 of these superfoods in the perfect ratio to achieve optimal weight loss support.
The name of this ingredient is Slendacor
And Studies Show It Has An Incredible
Triple-Pronged Rapid Slimming Effect
That Can Transform Your Body
#1: Slendacor Helps You Convert Food Into Clean Energy (Instead Of Storing It As Fat),*
So enjoying a delicious meal can leave you feeling light and energized rather than tired and sluggish.
#2: Slendacor Helps You Burn More Body Fat (Even When You Watch TV On The Couch),*
Which means you can relax with the knowledge your bodys furnace is constantly torching fat.
#3: Slendacor Supports Healthy Sugar Metabolism (Which Is Key To Having A Lean Body),,*
Added sugars are nearly unavoidable these days but Slendacor can help convert them into MORE ENERGY rather than stubborn fat.
Now, all that SOUNDS amazing
But I wanted to SEE the results Slendacor got for real people.
So I asked to test Slendacor in a real-life experiment.
And WOW it didnt disappoint.
In a rigorous clinical trial, Slendacor helped both men and women:
Drop an average of 12 pounds of stubborn fat*
Melt nearly 4 inches off their waist AND hips*
(even when they were sleeping)
Support healthy LDL, HDL, and triglycerides*
(3 hallmarks of a fit body)
And achieve a slimmer, stronger, healthier physique*
(which is so important for a long, active life)
Amazingly, this all happened fast too in just a matter of weeks.
But thats not all.
At the end of the trial period
Slendacor was found to be up to 6 TIMES more
effective for weight loss than diet and exercise alone.*
As soon as I saw these extraordinary scientific
results, I knew I had to share Slendacor with the
Gundry MD family.
Plus, the body scans showed people taking Slendacor had zero muscle loss.*
Meaning all of the weight they lost was pure fat.
As a doctor with over 50 years of experience, I can tell you
These kinds of jaw-dropping results are virtually unheard of.
But after my exhaustive research of every slimming superfood under the sun
I knew I could make Slendacore work even better.
All I had to do was add a few more amazing superfoods
A Perfect Blend of Slimming Superfoods
Shown To MAXIMIZE Metabolic Acceleration
(to help you get slim & toned as FAST as possible)
Wakame a seaweed extract containing crucial vitamins and minerals, as well as a rare fat-fighting nutrient called fucoxanthin, to help quicken Slendacors effects
Shiitake Mushrooms to help further boost your metabolism and energy levels while also supporting healthy arteries
Ascophyllum Nodosum a marine plant that helps trigger lipolysis which is the process your body uses to turn fat into energy
Chlorella Vulgaris which helps you flush out toxins that rapidly burning fat can release so you can slim down and feel amazing while doing it
Now, despite the mountains of research supporting the slimming, energizing and rejuvenating power of these ingredients
I could NEVER release a formula that I hadnt tried myself.
So I gave it a try and I couldnt believe what happened next.
It seriously felt like I was aging in reverse
I swiftly began to notice:
My metabolism had soared.*
I lost 5 pesky pounds that were still hanging on from winter even though I actually eat more now.
My energy was up by leaps and bounds.*
These days I hike on trails, play tennis, and play with my grandkids all without stiffness, tiredness, or swelling.
My muscles felt strong.*
My arms, legs, and stomach felt toned not bulky or droopy, but sculpted and defined.
My confidence was higher than ever.*
(Suddenly, I was jumping out of bed with a smile excited to see new improvements in the mirror.)
Plus, I had clearer thinking no digestive issues and fewer unhealthy food cravings.*
Meanwhile, staying in shape felt like it was on auto-pilot.*
Because the superfoods I was taking every day were priming my metabolism to burn fat morning, day, and night.*
In fact, there isnt a single part of my life that hasnt been impacted in profound ways.
I know thats a bold statement.
But its true.
And pretty soon, my friends, family, patients, and staff wanted to try this new slimming solution. Then their family and friends were asking to try this incredible new blend!
People kept coming back and telling me their results werent just good.
They were phenomenal.*
Like my research writer Joshs success story which I mentioned in one of my last emails.
My research writer Josh used this solution to ditch
his double chin, beer belly, and love handles.
You can visibly see he lost pounds of visceral fat around
his midsection that were squeezing his vital organs.
*Long-term individual result, taking the formula once daily.
Josh was compensated to share his experience.
This is not a scientific study. Individual results can and will vary.
And there are plenty more success stories like this.
People keep telling me the same things.
Their energy is through the roof.*
Their digestion improved with less gas and bloating.*
Their brain fog is gone and they feel younger.*
Unhealthy cravings are vanishing*
They look better in the mirror.*
One woman in her 60s felt so good she told me:
Dr. G, I dont ever want to be without this!*
Thats when I knew I had to share this groundbreaking formula with the Gundry MD family as soon as I could.
And I'm thrilled that our very first official batch will be available to you Friday, June 21st at 8AM Pacific time.
Like I said, I call it
Omni Slim.
Its a powerful blend of slimming superfoods to help you overcome the metabolism-killing effects of obesogens
And its perfect for anyone who wants:
A slimmer figure and easy weight control
Revealing visible changes in the mirror each day.*
An enormous boost in energy
Thanks to enhanced metabolic function that
turns stubborn fat into fuel.*
Relief from sore joints and stiff muscles
So you can stay active, mobile, independent,
and keep doing the things you love.*
A mind that feels sharp and focused
To help you stay alert and present for the people
and activities that are most important to you.*
And using it couldnt be easier.
All you have to do is take 3 small capsules each day, ideally before your first meal.
Then just sit back and let the exotic superfoods go to work supporting a blazing fast metabolism that burns fat even while youre resting on the couch.
And if you feel like youre losing fat too quickly which some early users did experience just cut back to 1 or 2 capsules a day instead.
(That will make your supply last longer too!)
But theres one catch.
While I produced as much as we could while still ensuring our extremely high manufacturing standards were met
With the extreme interest were seeing in the formula and our Priority Access List growing by the day
This introductory batch wont last long.
So I encourage you to apply for the Priority Access List today.
Because when my introductory batch of Omni Slim is gone, theres no telling when itll come back.
(Plus, Ive got some exciting FREE bonuses reserved for Priority Access buyers ONLY.)
Tims Exclusive Application:
See If You Qualify For Priority Access To Omni Slim
(spots are limited, so please apply now)
I cant wait for you to experience the slimmer body, higher energy, sharper mind, and all-around youthful vitality this formula can provide!
Looking out for you,
Steven Gundry, MD
P.S. Tim, wanna know why this formula is so important to me?
Because I remember how frustrating it felt to be 70 pounds overweight.
Every day I woke up feeling sluggish and achy
And even regular activities I now take for granted like going on hikes with my wife felt like massive tasks.
But that wasnt even the worst part.
The absolute worst thing was feeling like it was my fault.
Its one thing to look in the mirror and dislike what you see
But its another thing entirely to beat yourself up day after day.
I remember thinking:
If I was just more disciplined ate a little less at dinner or spent a little more time in the gym things wouldnt be this way.
So if youve ever felt that way, I hope my new research into weight gain brings you some peace of mind.
Because the truth is
Weve been LIED to about weight gain.
Big companies have pumped our food with so many obesogens its hard NOT to gain weight!
Which is why I cant wait to let you try Omni Slim next Friday.
Because when you target excess weight at the source
You can achieve a slender, toned, and healthy body
Even if youve struggled with your weight for decades.
Im so excited for you to see how it feels to wake up feeling light and energetic each morning.
But remember, if you want first dibs on Omni Slim
You need to click HERE right away to get on the Priority Access List.
Because when this introductory batch is gone its gone for good.
Itll probably be at least a few months before Im able to offer it to the public
And when that happens, itll cost many times what Ill offer on launch day.
Just click any of the blue links in this email to secure your Priority Access to Omni Slim
And get ready to experience a mindblowing transformation youll love!
*All individuals are unique. As such, your results can and will vary.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
1. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305
2. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305
3. Yi-Kochoa CA. PLT announces new clinical studies on the Non-Stimulant Thermogenic benefits of Slendacor. PLT Health. Published March 2, 2022.
4. Ravandi B, Mehler P, Barabsi AL, Menichetti G. GroceryDB: Prevalence of processed food in grocery stores. medRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory). April 2022. doi:10.1101/2022.04.23.22274217
5. Kasprzak-Drozd K, Oniszczuk T, Gancarz M, Kondracka A, Rusinek R, Oniszczuk A. Curcumin and Weight Loss: Does It Work? Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jan 7;23(2):639. doi: 10.3390/ijms23020639. PMID: 35054828; PMCID: PMC8775659.
6. Barbagallo I, Vanella L, Distefano A, Nicolosi D, Maravigna A, Lazzarino G, Di Rosa M, Tibullo D, Acquaviva R, Li Volti G. Moringa oleifera Lam. improves lipid metabolism during adipogenic differentiation of human stem cells. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2016 Dec;20(24):5223-5232. PMID: 28051244.
8. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305.
9. Yi-Kochoa CA. PLT announces new clinical studies on the Non-Stimulant Thermogenic benefits of Slendacor. PLT Health. Published March 2, 2022.
10. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305.
11. Yi-Kochoa CA. PLT announces new clinical studies on the Non-Stimulant Thermogenic benefits of Slendacor. PLT Health. Published March 2, 2022.
12. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305.
13. Yi-Kochoa CA. PLT announces new clinical studies on the Non-Stimulant Thermogenic benefits of Slendacor. PLT Health. Published March 2, 2022.
14. Marton LT, Pescinini-E-Salzedas LM, Camargo MEC, Barbalho SM, Haber JFDS, Sinatora RV, Detregiachi CRP, Girio RJS, Buchaim DV, Cincotto Dos Santos Bueno P. The Effects of Curcumin on Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021 May 3;12:669448. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.669448. PMID: 34012421; PMCID: PMC8126655.
15. Owens FS 3rd, Dada O, Cyrus JW, Adedoyin OO, Adunlin G. The effects of Moringa oleifera on blood glucose levels: A scoping review of the literature. Complement Ther Med. 2020 May;50:102362. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2020.102362. Epub 2020 Feb 28. PMID: 32444043.
16. Yadav S, Vats V, Dhunnoo Y, Grover JK. Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activity of Murraya koenigii leaves in diabetic rats. J Ethnopharmacol. 2002 Oct;82(2-3):111-6. doi: 10.1016/s0378-8741(02)00167-8. PMID: 12241985.
17. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305.
18. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305.
19. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305.
20. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305.
21. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305.
22. Dixit K, Kamath DV, Alluri KV, Davis BA. Efficacy of a novel herbal formulation for weight loss demonstrated in a 16-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with healthy overweight adults. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2018 Nov;20(11):2633-2641. doi: 10.1111/dom.13443. Epub 2018 Jul 18. PMID: 29923305.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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