The 10 “invisible” symptoms of heart trouble

The good news is...

Independent Vital Life, LLC

Sent on 25 October 2022 10:01 AM

Text Summary Of This Email

The good news is...
Have you SEEN the Science in the NEWS?
From a landmark human trial published in the medical journal Plant Medica comes a natural, blood-flow booster that changes EVERYTHING.
It's the world's easiest and most refreshing way to erase the root cause for...
Varicose Veins
Swollen Feet & Legs.
Cold Hands
Muscle Cramps
Sexual issues.
Memory loss.
Slow healing
Brain fog.
Anti-Aging and MORE
Dear reader in search of vibrant good health,
Believe it or not, all of these miseries can often be traced back to a single cause...
Poor circulation.
To exact, we're talking about what doctors call your MICROCIRCULATION.
That's the blood flow to the smallest blood vessels such as capillaries.
You have a whooping 74,000 MILES of these small blood vessels they are everywhere;
If your microcirculation is poor...
Your hands and feet are cold.
Your brain is deprived of essential oxygen and nutrients.
Your heart, liver, kidneys, and every organ in your body are slowly starving.
Your memory and sharpness begin to decline.
Your energy levels fall of a cliff.
And ultimately, you start to feel decades older than you should.
Believe it or not, all this is acutally good news.
Because DOZENS of these nagging symptoms can be relieved with a single, refreshing glass of a breaktrhrough called CircuMax Gold that helps boost your microcirculation by a whooping 54% in a matter of hours.
The result?
Your symptoms begin to vanish.
And a lifetime of poor habits, diet, lack of exercise, and stress begin to REVERSE in minutes.
Look what happened for Lula Bell, from Greensville, South Carolina.
Her legs hurt. Her knees and back were hurting.
And to top it all off, Lula just wasn't sleeping.
"I was dragging and did NOT have any energy," she said.
She knew she had to do something.
Lula's doctor was no help. He told her to lose weight!
Then one day, she learned that dozens of daily symptoms like hers could be traced back to poor circulation.
Lula also learned that blood-flow could be NATURALLY boosted a remarkable 54% with one refreshing glass of CircuMax Gold.
Even better, CircuMax Gold came with an amazing guarantee: It must work for you, or the product is completely and utterly FREE.
So she gave CircuMax Gold a try. After all, she had nothing to lose.
Here's what happened next.
"I started drinking CircuMax Gold and I felt BETTER! I slept better. My legs don't hurt.
"I had to walk with a cane, but no more!"
"I felt SO much better, I will not stop taking it for life. CircuMax Gold is everything you said..."
And Lula Bell is NOT alone.
We have thousands of love letters from grateful people who have profoundly improved their health and daily lives thanks to CircuMax Gold.
Like Linda W., from Sheperd, Texas...
It was a miracle for Linda's swollen ankles and feet.
"I am 73 years old and I have been using... your products for over 10 years.
"I really believe your product 'CircuMax Gold' relieved the swelling I noticed in my feet and ankles."
"I began using it and the swelling has been drastically reduced!"
"I love it! I use it twice a day to manage the swelling! It also seems to help my energy level during the day.
"Thank you for providing this wonderful 'CircuMax Gold'"
Then there's Thomas., from Brooklyn, New York...
"I felt like a NEW man! CircuMax Gold worked wonders. I experienced a brand-new step to my daily walks..."
Thomas loved his daily walks in Brooklyn. He had enjoyed them for years, but he had a problem.
"I was literally dragging myself around constantly with a sluggish and constant lack of energy..."
"My girlfriend, a longtime and delighted customer of yours, gave me a canister of CircuMax Gold."
"Within days, I felt a new beginning. CircuMax Gold worked wonders."
"My vim and vigor quickly and dramatically returned!"
With results like these (and so many more), you'd think that everyone would be enjoying a refreshing glass of CircuMax Gold each morning.
But unfortunately that's just not true. Why?
The medical profession has just NOT been paying enough attention to MICROCIRCULATION.
The PROBLEM is that many cardiologists and family doctors focus on the largest blood vessels in the bodylike your coronary and carotid arteries.
Think about it.
What did your doctor do at your last checkup?
Listen to your heart? Check.
Take your pulse. Check.
Listen to your carotid artery. Check.
Plus, the lion's share of medical scans these days target the larger vessels.
That's really important, of course.
But a growing number of experts are starting to think SMALL when it comes to your circulation.
And that's SO important
Your microcirculation is an EARLY warning system for trouble on the way.
A recent article in the medical journal ICU Mangement & Practice explained how monitoring microcirculation was a critical early warning system for trouble to come.
Here's what the scientists reported:
"If (micro vessels) become constricted or blocked, portions of the body are no longer able to receive the oxygen and nutrients they need.
"And likewise, the body is unable to transport carbon dioxide and waste away from affected areas of the body.
"When this happens, the body starts to show a variety of symptoms..."
What exactly are those hidden symptoms?
Cold hands an feet plus numbness and tingling.
Reduced blood flow to the hands and feet not only lead to temperature flactuations, they can DESTROY your nerves and lead to painful, tingling feet and hands.
Swollen ankles and feet, tight skin, stiffness, and pain.
Poor circulation allows fluid to accumulate in extremities. You might notice this as an indenation in the skin as you remove socks or jewelry. That's an early sign that your body is having trouble with excess fluids. Cardiologists call this a "congestive" problem.
You MUST act now if this is happening.
Brain fog and memory problems.
Healthy blood flow is especially important for your brain! Without the necessary nutrients and oxygen, your cognitive functions are seriously impaired. Your memory suffers. You no longer feel "sharp" and engaged. And people will start to notice. If you don't IMPROVE your blood flow soon, this will NOT get better.
Digestive problems.
Many people don't realize that healthy blood flow is critical for digstion. Symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, and constipation.
When circulation is poor, your heart has to pump harder, leaving you exhausted ALL the time. Plus your cells and ORGANS are starving for the oxygen and nutrients they need to survive.
Muscle cramps and joint pain.
Poor circulation can trigger pain in your legs, feet, arms, and hands -- especially if they ache or throb. Your calf muscles might cramp up during walking or exercise.
Changes in skin.
Without enough blood flow, your skin can look pale or even blue. If blood is leaking from capillaries, your skin might appear purple.
Slow healing.
If you notice that leg and foot wounds are healing more slowly than usual, you need to talk to your doctor. And you need to restore healthy microcirculation NOW--before its too late.
Varicose veins.
Most people think of varicose veins primarily as a "cosmetic" issue. That is SO wrong. Varicose veins are a big, EARLY sign that your circulation is declining.
Even worse, they signal that the VALVES in your blood vessels are starting to malfunction and it will get progressively worse unless you act now.
That's where CircuMax Gold comes to the rescue backed by fantastic science that was awarded 3 Nobel Prizes.
You simply pour a glass of water in the morning, mix a scoop of CircuMax Gold, and enjoy a real, refreshing treat.
Congratulations! Your cells are now being nourished by two of the worlds best researched, and potent blood-flow boosters...
And beets.
Youve probably heard all the hype about beets lately, and you know what?
Its all true.
The research on beets for blood-flow and blood pressure is absolutely stunning.
Thats why it was awarded a whopping three Nobel Prizes.
Heres exactly how it works...
As you read this report, your body contains over 100,000 miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries. Thats almost half-way to the moon.
And 74,000 miles of these blood vessels are TINY...often smaller than a human hair.
If you could journey INSIDE these blood vessels, youd see something remarkable called your endothelium.
Your endothelium is the elephant in the room when it comes to healthy blood flow.
Because your endothelium has the remarkable ability to dilate (open) or constrict the physical diameter of your blood vessels.
When your endothelium clamps down, your blood flow is restricted.
Your heart has to work harder.
Thats BAD for your blood pressure.
Its also bad for your organs.
They can literally wither on the vine without the nutrients and oxygen provided by healthy blood flow.
Its the same for your brain, your muscles, and your energy levels too.
When your blood flow is not healthy, you just feel old.
On the other hand, when your endothelium is relaxed and open, your blood-flow surges like a mighty river.
Honestly, you feel like a light switch has been flipped on in your whole life. Youre energized. Active. Sharp. And vibrantly healthy.
So how exactly can you tell your endothelium to chill out and relax?
Thats where nitric oxide comes in.
Back in 1998, three brilliant scientists discovered that nitric oxide (NO) plays a critical role in cardiovascular health.
They learned that nitric oxide molecules actually TALK to your endothelium.
And the message is always the same:
When it comes to living younger and more vibrantly healthy, this discovery has changed everything.
And the three scientists were awarded Nobel Prizes for their gift to humanity.
There was only one problem.
Your bodys ability to make nitric oxide plummets as you age.1
As a result, your blood vessels narrow and become less flexible.
Plus, theres NO such thing as a nitric-oxide supplement. Your body has to make its own supply.
To do that, your body needs more NITRATES in your diet.
And you guessed it, beets and mangoes are absolutely overflowing with nitrates.
Thats why, unlike popular super formulas out there, CircuMax Gold includes both beets and mangoes.
What does that mean for you?
Just about everything when it comes to living vibrantly young and healthy for 100 years.
Just look at the research...
In a proprietary study published the medical journal Planta Medica, our proprietary mango extracts (called Careflow)...
Boosted circulation by 54% in just 6 hours.
Helped boost physical energy and muscle mass.
Supported cell protection and DNA repair.
Supported healthy blood sugar.
A recent study published in the journal Nutrients, demonstrated that beet extracts help boost blood-flow and oxygen in your muscles.
The result? You can exercise longer without feeling exhausted!
Beets are also fantastic for brain health and improving memory, sharpness, and your mood.
In a landmark trial5 published in the medical journal Nitric Oxide, scientists recorded significant boosts to healthy blood flow to the frontal lobe of the brain.
The frontal lobe is the critical part of your brain for cognitive skills, problem-solving, memory, judgment, and emotional behavior.
Thats why you need to enjoy your beets every day, in a delicious glass of CircuMax Gold.
Our customers simply adore the fresh fruity flavor.
Jennifer G., from Bristol, Indiana told us...
I love the taste of this product, its super yummy! I actually add this to my daily protein shakes and the results have been amazing to say at least!
Its super yummy!
CircuMax Gold may be the most delicious way to stay vibrantly healthy--ever.
You simply mix a spoonful with water, juice, or your favorite smoothie each morning...and enjoy the fresh, fruity flavor.
It is the absolute essence of delicious and healthy simplicity.
It may even be the secret to living impossibly young, healthy, and sexually active for 100 years and BEYOND.* Why? Because...
Healthy microcirculation has been identified as the #1 reason the residents of Acciaroli, Italy look, act, and live SO young in their 70s, 80s, and 90s.
A short drive South of Pompeii Italy, nestled in a hillside on the coast, is a magical village called Acciaroli.
If youre lucky enough to visit there, you will witness a remarkable sight--people in their 70s, 80s, and 90s who look, act and live like they were 30 years younger or more.
According to a New York Times feature article...
They are vibrant.
They have healthy hearts.
Strong bones.
Almost zero cataracts.
Amazing sex lives.
And Alzheimers almost never happens. The exact words...
...the quality of life for people in Acciaroli with nine or 10 decades behind them is high...
...virtually no cataracts, few bone fractures, excellent heart health, and a low incidence of Alzheimers disease...*
The older adults also demonstrate a robust sexual appetite... at 95, they have brains more like someone who is 50...*
Scientists have evaluated their diets, their lifestyle, and even their culture looking for the secret to their almost eternal youth.
What was their conclusion?
According to an expert quoted in the Times article:
The study of 27 households (in Acciaroli) with at least one family member 90 or older found that Acciarolis older residents have exceptionally good MICROCIRCULATION in the small capillaries that go right into tissues to deliver nutrients and remove waste.
Thats wonderful news!
Why? Because CircuMax Gold is an easy and refreshing way to boost your microcirculation naturally.
Our Careflow mango extracts helped boost microcirculation by 54% in hours in a human trial.
Our Organic Beet Extract delivers natural nitric-oxide (blood-flow boosting) power to help you live a vibrant wonderful life.
Nitro Rocket Arugula Extract which is the highest nitrate containing vegetable on the planet.
And B. subtilis strain DE-111, a special shelf-stable probiotic to help support digestion and immune function and has been the centerpiece of over 30 clinical trials.
But thats not all.
If youre watching your blood sugar, you need to know that the super TV brand has TRIPLE the sugar content of CircuMax Gold.
CircuMax Gold has almost ZERO sugar, yet it delivers impressive amount of natural, blood-flow-boosting power.
If youre worried about your blood sugar, your doctor has probably given you a stern warming that goes something like this:
You really need to cut back on sugar. If your blood sugar issues get worse, it can affect your whole cardiovascular system.
So naturally, you think about one of the popular beet drinks you see everywhere. Its a great product BUT...
It has triple the sugar content of a refreshing glass of CircuMax Gold.
It delivers only half the blood-flow boosting beet power.
And it tastes like...well BEETS.
CircuMax Gold has a refreshing fruity flavor our customers adore.
You need to taste it to believe it.
Then you need to enjoy the best checkup of your life.
And right now, through THIS special invitation, you can get up to 3 MONTHS FREE plus much more! JUST LOOK...
Here it is, the hands-down best deal we have EVER made!
Just CLICK HERE right now, and you get:
3 Months of CircuMax Gold FOR FREE. Thats a $119.85 value when you choose our BEST DEAL.
Believe me, when your family sees how much more energy you have after drinking CircuMax Gold, theyll be running to your kitchen cabinet and drinking it too!
(Thats when youll really be glad you took advantage of this offer.)
Now I dont know about you, but $119.85 is real money. And were happy to help you save it.
Our blockbuster FREE Health Book: The SUPER POWERS OF PLANT BASED FOODS. Its a $9.95 value thats YOURS FREE.
Your Free Book, THE SUPER POWERS OF PLANT BASED FOODS reveals how certain fruits, vegetables, and fruit powders contain more healing power than you could ever have imagined. Youll see which of these life foods help you...
Reduce deadly inflammation*
Produce nitric oxide, which helps relax blood vessels so your body can produce more heart-healthy energy.*
Lose weight and improve cholesterol, blood sugar, and hormones.*
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Plus! You get recipes, a super-health meal plan and so much more!*
If you CLICK HERE now, youll also get FREE EXPEDITED SHIPPING (thats a $4.99 value.)
I hope youll take advantage of this sweet deal. And remember, If youre not absolutely thrilled...
Youre fully protected by our 100% money-back guarantee.
Just CLICK HERE right now, and well rush your ZERO-RISK Trial Supply of CircuMax Gold on its way.
When it arrives at your home, just give it an honest try.
See for yourself how it can rapidly help you...
Feel a surge of youthful energy. The kind you havent felt in decades.*
Sharpen your brainpower and memory.*
Boost your physical strength and endurance with fewer muscle cramps.*
Help you enjoy normal blood pressure and healthy circulation that will have your doctor thrilled.*
Erase the cold, clammy feeling in your hands and feet.*
Help reduce swollen, heavy legs and ankles.*
Help you sleep better and wake up refreshed and ready every day.*
Fight the fundamental trigger for unsightly varicose veins.*
Boost your sexual performance.*
If you arent 100% convinced that CircuMax Gold can do all this for you, simply return it and well refund every penny of your money. No questions asked. And no rush, youve got a FULL year to decide!
Donald A. Elgie Founder,
Here's What CircuMax Gold Users Have to Say
This Can Add Years To My Life!
I expected CircuMax Gold to tune up my circulatory system but not be able to really notice much. But what I found was that my whole body felt livened up, as though I had been exercising even though I hadnt. I feel this can add years to my life!
Martin C., Los Angeles, CA
Its Great To Get Some Energy Back!
I have more energy! I dont need an afternoon nap lately and I seem to get a lot more done during the day (after my part time job). Its great to get some energy back. I plan to keep using CircuMax Gold every day. Thank you.
Jim S., Glendale, AZ
Loving It!
I started to use CircuMax Gold and have not finished one canister yet but already loving it!
John M., Sturgis, MI
I now have energy to build muscle
After suffering with poor circulation, and fatigue, I was excited to see the IVL website feature CircuMax Gold. After taking this oxygen filled formula, I now have energy to build muscle, strengthen my bones and enjoy overall vitality and health. Adding CircuMax Gold to a smoothie or a beverage provides a tasty flavor and helps with digestion. Thank you, IVL for another great product to recommend to my friends!
Kristine C.
It helped my energy level during the day
I'm 73 years old. I began using CircuMax Gold and the swelling in my feet and ankles has drastically reduced! I love it! I use it twice a day to manage the swelling! It also seems to help my energy level during the day. Thank you for providing this wonderful CircuMax Gold
Linda W., Shepherd, TX
I feel energized and we both feel great
I realized that this product would be beneficial for myself as well as my husband. I feel energized and we both feel great. The ingredients of mango and beets have a great taste. I would certainly recommend CircuMax Gold for anyone who wants to maintain their health.Thank you for all of your products
Gloria I.
It's good for circulation, for the skin, and blood flow
Im 66 years old and I know that this product really does work. It's good for circulation, for the skin, and blood flow. We love it. THANK YOU
Isabel J.
Very Good Product
This is a very good product that will give you the energy to get through a hard days work.
Mitchell P., Annville, KY
I love the taste and the energy it gives me
I love the taste and the energy it gives me. Im 74 years old and stay on the go from 6:30 am until 11:00 pm everyday working a part time job, keeping up my home, mowing the lawn, ect. Everyone keeps asking me how I get so much energy at my age. I tell them to try CircuMax Gold if you want to keep going daily and get everything done and still have energy to spare.
Brenda S.
I have more energy!
I have vasculitis and since taking CircuMax Gold I have more energy and my legs and ankles aren't as swollen... I would recommend this product to help with vascular issues.
Veronica M, Phoenix AZ
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
References for the research used for this article
- Ashley C Torregrossa1, et al, Nitric oxide and geriatrics: Implications in diagnostics and treatment of the elderly. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology (2011) 8: 230-242
- Gerstgrasser A et al. In vitro activation of eNOS by Magnifera indica (Careflow) and determination of an effective dosage in a randomized, double-blind, human pilot study on microcirculation. Planta Med. 2016;82(4):298-304.* Buchwald-Werner, et al. Effects of Mangifera indica (Careflow on Microcirculation and Glucose Metabolism in Healthy Volunteers. Planta Med. 2017;83(10):824-829.
- Domnguez R, Cuenca E, Mat-Muoz JL, et al. Effects of Beetroot Juice Supplementation on Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Athletes. A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2017;9(1):43.
- Presley TD, Morgan AR, Bechtold E, et al. Acute effect of a high nitrate diet on brain perfusion in older adults. Nitric Oxide. 2011;24(1):34-42.
This information is meant to be used to educate the reader and is not intended to provide individual medical advice. Before you take any supplement, please consult your physician or other licensed healthcare professionals to determine if it's appropriate for you.
Free shipping is applied only to specified orders shipped within the continental U.S. Orders shipped to Alaska and Hawaii are not eligible for FREE shipping. International & Expedited Orders: There will be an additional charge for any orders outside of the U.S., and any expedited orders. These orders do not qualify for free shipping. This offer cannot be combined with any other offers or discounts. Other restrictions apply.
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If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may request a full refund within 365 days. To do so, simply contact IVL customer service. In order to expedite your refund, please have your receipt. Questions? Comments? GO HERE: You'll find answers, be able to chat with a live support person or be able to send us an email directly with any of your questions.
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