1 snow Latina + 1 regular Latina

Mike Haines Aviation

Sent on 22 March 2024 10:44 AM

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Hopefully youhave already watched my video on Red Magic (i.e. how to become magnetic to women using esoteric semen retention.)
Believe it or not, I actually worked full-time for 5-months to make that video.
How could it possibly take me 5 months, you ask?
Truthfully I wish I could answerthat myself.
I rewrote the script literally hundreds of times to refine the ideas until I had got them perfect.
That alone took around 3 months.
Then the editing of the video ended up taking WAY more time than Id expected.
Bottom line
I felt that the technique of red magic is probably the most important ORIGINAL contribution I will ever make to the pickup community / masculine self-improvement space.
And so I wanted to produce something that was less like a regular bullshithow totype video and more like an actualwork of art that will (hopefully) last forever.
However... What I did not take into account was that
When you take that much time off
You lose momentum like CRAZY.
Before I made that red magic video, I was in an awesome state of momentum with Youtube.
I had been making a video every 1-2 weeks consistently, and was starting to get very high views. The very first video I ever posted is now at 110k views -- which is crazy!
Because I then took 5 months away from making / thinking about videos to focus on getting that one red magic video perfect
This completely KILLED allthe momentum Id been building.
But I only realized this AFTERWARDS.
The next 2 videos I produced got very little views. (i.e only around 1K each)
On its own thats not a bad thingand I think those videos were good, and that over the long-term, they probably will get more popular.
But what was worse was
Internally I no longer knew what I was doing.
I was sitting down to brainstorm and write new videos and I realized
I dont even know what Im doing here.
What am I trying to say?
What kind of titles and ideas are people on Youtube actually searching for?
I had completely forgotten all of this stuff.
My head just wasnt in the game any more.
When I had first started the Youtube channel and made my first few videos, I was fully immersed in all this stuff.
I knew the market I knew what people were searching for I could tell you what the top 5 videos of all the big similar channels were.
But when I took that 5 months away from it
All of that knowledge and awareness left me.
In other words... I lost my momentum with it.
Ultimately, I do think this was a worthwhile sacrifice
And that taking 5 months to make the red magic video a work of art was a good thing
Even though, from a business perspective, it completely f*cked my channels growth.
However I dont think Im EVER going to spend that long on a single video again.
Its definitely not worth it in terms of how much it kills momentum.
And that is the REAL reason Im bringing this up.
Which is NOT to talk about me... but because what I want to remind you about today is that
Momentum is the THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT FACTORto getting whatever you want in life bar none.
Whether its girls
Or something else important besides girls or money (Nothing comes to mind right now but if you ever figure it out, let me know! )
Listen, I know Ive harped on momentum a lot already in the past.
But it really is the single most VITALprinciple of life you must understand if you want to become the type of guy who nails scorching hotgirls on the reg, without looks, money or celebrity status.
Currently I have two fbuddies
One Snow Latina, and one regular Latina.
Both of these girls are 9/10.
I met both of them through Nightmare Mode Cold Approach.*
(* "Nightmare Mode" = sober, solo coldapproaching in nightclubs... Most human beings cannot handle this... you gotta have ice in your veins)
Now both of these stunnersare way out of my league physically but they treat me like royalty.
Purely becauseI approached & pulled them when I was in a state of such RED HOT MOMENTUMthat for all intents and purposes I really AM royalty!
I mean what other guy are they ever gonna meet whos as witty as me?
What other guy is gonna approach them COLD, stone sober yet start spitting game that is so tight & so outlandishit makes them feel like they just smoked DMT?
Nobody --that's who.
Nobody else can do this.
The shit that I do is like the social version of that guy who walked on the wire between the Twin Towers.
Its magical.
It suspends the normal laws of reality, and puts them in a chokehold
A girl asked me the other night, "Are you on coke??!" I just looked at her and said, "I am coke. Now let's go to the bathroom so you can do me."
Of course she abided...
And when girls see this they immediately fall in love with me
Because, again, who the f*ck else could she possibly want after shes been exposed to me?
It'd be like going back to weed after you've tried crack.
No one else is this on point.
No one else can verbally free flow and free associate this much with a stunning girl who theyve never met before.
The NORMAL male reaction to meeting a beautiful woman is for your mind to get shut down and to be unable to think of things to say.
Thats normal.
In some sense, its probably actually healthy.
Odds are, evolution programmed you to be that way because if you had 10/10 charisma with every new stunner you saw back in caveman times youd end up getting your head caved in with a rock.
But when youre in a state of EXTREME MOMENTUM with approaching, like I am, your brain is moving at 150 miles an hour.
You can see around corners.
You know whats going to happen before it occurs.
Youre already 5 chess moves ahead of everyone else.
When you make a mistake, which happens rarely, a literalangel appears from the heavens and moves time backwards 5 seconds so you can do it over.
"Hey... thanks, guy!"
"No problem, Mike!"
The girl is throwing little sh*ttests at you, but youre batting them away like Novak Djokovic playing ping-pong against a 9 year old.
Its not even exercising you.
It doesnt raise your heartbeat.
Youre on pure autopilot...spitting tighter game than JFK.
In other words getting girls ALL comes down to momentum.
Momentum with approaching.
Momentum with going out.
You are literally a DIFFERENT ENTITY when youre in a state of momentum, versus when youre not.
I could not do ANY of the things Im telling you about if I wasnt in a state of red hotmomentum with approaching.
Now listen up...theres 2 types of momentum:
#1. Micro momentum
#2. Macro momentum
Micro-momentum means your momentum within any single 24-hour period.
If you go to a bar, and start approaching girls youre building micro-momentum.
Your first approach is awkward. clumsy and you dont know what to say.
You do another short approach then another then another
And (hopefully) by the end of the night After around 5-10 approaches
Youre now WAY more smooth with it.
You feel good
Youre loose
Youre relaxed
And the words and the wit and the banter is flowing out of your mouth much more freely.
Thats micro-momentum
And probably most of you are already familiar with it.
However...theres another kind of momentum which is actually MORE important, and thats
Macro momentum refers to your momentum in approaching girls over the longer-term(i.e. days, weeks and months.)
For example
If you go out and approach twice a week, (every Thursday and Saturday, as I do,for example)
Then after 4-6 weeks of doing this, youll be WAY better at it than you were at the start.
Your "bad" nights 6 weeks in will look like what your "good" nights did in Week #1.
And your good nights, 6 weeks in, will make you look like a f--king GOD.
Of the 2 kinds of momentum Macro Momentum is WAY more important.
Do not lose your momentum.
Dont be a dabbler.
And for the love of God
Do not fall victim to thinking that approaching girls is something you can do once a month or so and get any kind of result at all.
Doesnt work like that.
And youre actually making life way HARDER for yourself by thinking that it does.
If youre gonna do this DO IT.
Dont dabble.
Commit to approaching girls every weekend at the very least. (Ideally 2 nights a week.)
And keep the faith.
Even if you get rejected by every girl you approach for three straight weeks
If you keep going out and keep approaching, and keep the faith, I guarantee you by the fourth week, a perfect ten will fall into your lap.
Dont make the mistake I did (with Youtube) of taking 5 months off and expecting that I could come back firing on all cylinders.
Life doesnt work that way.
Momentum will reward you with more pvssy and more money than you could ever imagine
But she is a harsh mistress.
Give her her due, and do not disrespect her.
You can get ANYTHING you desire in life
But only if youre willing to put in the work to get in a state of Macro Momentum with it.
Happy hunting ;-)
Mike Haines
A.K.A. the pickup professor
A.K.A. the don of direct game
A.K.A. the seductiontechnician
A.K.A. the most electrifying man in underground dating advicetoday
Friends With Benefits -Say these 3 little words to a girl and shell beg you to be her F-buddy, guaranteed
The Girlfriend Button -How to "mind control" any girl into your bed, using simple little text messages
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