She's been treated like a goddess since the day she first put on hotpants and a pushup bra

Mike Haines Aviation

Sent on 21 October 2023 09:32 AM

Text Summary Of This Email

Over the past few days, Ive been responding to an email I received from a reader in which he laid out his belief that beautiful women are usually spoiled, entitled and have a bad attitude.
I am not covering this at length to pick on this particular guy.
And in truth, I dont technically disagree with anything hes saying.
But the point Ive been making is that even if his interpretation is true on a certain level
Its not helpful in attracting and bonding with beautiful women.
Its not empowering.
But there may be other interpretations which are both true, and empowering.
And its these that I want to encourage you to have.
As a matter of fact
Basically that is all this newsletter is actually for.
What Im attempting to do in all these emails is not just to tell you things which are true but also things which are empowering in terms of getting you ACTUAL RESULTS.
And this paradigm is what underlies everything I do.
Its also one of the reasons why I talk about magic so much.
Because this is what magic IS.
Its about cultivating certain frames and belief systems because they're useful (i.e. because they produce tangible RESULTS).
And in doing this, whether or not the given belief system is true is of secondary importance.
Obviously if something is recognized as true, thats much better because then its easier to believe in without any cognitive dissonance.
But the point is:
RESULTS, not truth value, should be the PRIMARY way that you judge a belief system, frame, idea, or interpretation of reality.
Or, to quote Jung:
The real is what works.
Now, again, I really dont want to pick on this one particular guy.
But Im just gonna use what he sent me as the EXAMPLE by way of which to illustrate what Im saying here.
So, Im going to quote parts of this guys email (his frame), and then Ill comment on it with my frame which I have found to be more useful in producing results.
(And when I say results, I mean getting very, very hot girls to strip naked and spread their legs for me on command.)
So, here's what he wrote:
Beautiful women are typically used to getting what they want from men.
In extreme cases they can treat men like crap (doormats, cash-cows etc.) but in general they tend to think they deserve more of a princess treatment than less beautiful girls.
I dont know what you mean by they tend to think they deserve better treatment.
The fact is they DO deserve better treatment.
Whatever someone is getting is what they deserve.
This was covered in the Book of Job, when Job complains to God about all the suffering hes been made to endure.
God replies:
Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurementssurely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?
On what were its bases sunk, or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
The fact of the matter is that whatever people are getting IS what they deserve on the most fundamental level of reality.
Or to put it differently, there is no such thing as deserve.
There is REALITY.
That is things as they are.
And there is nothing else.
Deserve is a fake concept made up by men similar to believing in fairytales.
The concept of deserve exists only in mens minds.
It does not have a referent in objective reality.
Now, you say hot girls have been treated better by men, and therefore think they deserve better treatment.
Well then they do.
They deserve to be treated however it is they are objectively treated.
If theyre treated better by men than unattractive women, then that is objectively how they deserve to be treated.
God, in this case, has made his judgement.
This judgement is manifested in the objective truth of what reality is, as we can see it with our 5 senses.
Who are you to argue with God?
Who are you to sit in judgement over creation and say that the sky should be green, up should be down, and that beautiful women should act as meekly asfat ugly ones?
Perhaps one day God will let you create a universe based on these principles your principles, rather than His.
We will see, then, how long that universe lasts. How long it is able to exist before it collapses under the weight of its own contradictions.
If beautiful women are treated better, it is because they must be treated better.
And if they begin to feel entitled to the princess treatment, as you put it, that is because they must feel this way.
They themselves do not have any choice in the matter.
Free will is possible, but rare.
Years of intense self-sacrifice are required before a man can even begin to have anything like like an actual will (let alone a truly free one).
But because most people were not born to do this work any more than a cow was born to do math problems, they do not have a free will.
And consequently they cannot be held responsible for being shaped and controlled by their conditioning.
If you train a dog to bite any man who comes on your property, the dog cannot be held responsible for attacking someone who does exactly that.
If men have treated a girl like shes a goddess since the time she started to wear hot pants and pushup bras
She cannot be blamed or held responsible for being shaped and influenced by this conditioning.
In blaming beautiful women for how their personalities developed, you are making an error which will only lead you into further confusion.
This is my first point.
Now, lets continue.
This guy (perhaps anticipating this to some extent) goes on to say:
That may be okay in a hook-up context, but is very dissatisfying in the longer term.
There is a famous internet meme of a beautiful half-naked woman with the caption Someone, somewhere has todeal with her crap.
OK, so heres the thing about this.
(And heres why my gut feeling is that this is more of a you problem than a them problem.)
Ive dated a handful of 9s and 10s, and had love affairs with untold dozens (hundreds?) of 6s, 7s and 8s. So many that I long ago lost count.
Not once have I ever had the impression that the 9'sI dated were any more high maintenance than the 6's.
There doesnt appear to me to be any correlation whatsoever.
And unlike most guys, Im working with a very large sample size here.
Now, I admit there MAY be other factors at play.
For example I live in Europe.
(Ireland, specifically, which is very similar culturally to the US and UK.)
I have heard from guys whove lived and gamed in both places that girls in the US are slightly more materialistic than girls in Europe.
Theyre more concerned with how much money you make, for example, than girls in mainland Europe who in most cases literally could not care less.
But I personally think that is just a skin deep cultural difference.
Ive hooked up with MANY girls from the US, and I dont find them to be any different, at a core level, than the girls I deal with in Europe.
So I dont think thats really the big factor at play.
What I think is
Guys have certain negative preconceptions about women, in this case, beautiful women.
They may have learned these from watching too much TV.
They may have learned them from reading too many red pill blogs, or watching too many masculinity videos.
Or maybe they didnt have a sister, or any female friends growing up, and so their views about girls at a formative age were based more on speculation than real experience.
Whatever the case may be
I think that a lot of guys somehow or other picked up certain biases, negative expectations, and negative preconceptions or prejudices about beautiful women..
These prejudices then end up becoming self-fulfilling prophecies.
Not once have I ever dealt with a beautiful woman I considered to be high maintenance.
But if I was constantly THINKING about hot women being high maintenance, then I would naturally start ZOOMING IN on examples of where thats the case.
This would trigger my reticular activation system.
Because Im focused on thinking about hot women acting like princesses, Im naturally going to start SEEING that everywhere.
Im going to start noticing times where thats the case.
At the same time, Im also going to become BLIND to real examples that disprove this interpretation.
I literally wont see those counter-examples.
My brain will block them out, because they dont confirm my prior assumptions and expectations.
What you expect creates reality.
If you expect beautiful women to be mean, bitchy and bratty, thats how they will act towards you.
If you expect them to be friendly and chill towards any guy who approaches them in a sincere way, THAT is how they will generally act towards you.
And we'll talk more about that tomorrow.
Happy hunting ;-)
Mike Haines
A.K.A. the pickup professor
A.K.A. the don of direct game
A.K.A. the seductiontechnician
A.K.A. the most electrifying man in underground dating advicetoday
Friends With Benefits -Say these 3 little words to a girl and shell beg you to be her F-buddy, guaranteed
The Girlfriend Button -How to "mind control" any girl into your bed, using simple little text messages
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