White magic, black magic, and red magic

Mike Haines Aviation

Sent on 25 July 2023 09:37 AM

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There are 3 kinds of magic.
There is black magic, white magic, and red magic.
I am the first and only true practitioner of red magic.
And I can say this with confidence, because I invented red magic.
So what is red magic?
Pay attention, because youre going to start seeing this term pop up everywhere in the next few years.
Like all the wondrous concepts and techniques that I have pioneered, it will be stolen and plagiarized by various charlatans, with no credit to me.
But thats alright.
They need to make a living.
I am just here to burn this wicked world down and raze it to its foundations, and if these fools can help me start the fire, that is all the better.
Incidentally, have you seen how popular the idea of semen retention has become lately?
I literally cannot go on youtube without seeing videos about it.
Well guess what?
I invented semen retention, in its modern usage.
(That is, semen retention which is done for the express intent of attracting women through animal magnetism.)
I was talking about this back in 2013, when practicallyno one in the West knew about it.
I was actually banned from posting on r/seduction because the moderators said I was promoting bro science and abstinence programs.
They said I was a crank
They said my methods were unsound
Well nowadays semen retention is universally acknowledged as the most powerful technique of personal change.
Even popular science clowns like Andrew Huberman and Jordan Peterson promote it!
But these fools have no idea what they are doing.
Because semen retention is not merely another one of their little life hacks for improving productivity.
Semen retention is magic of the most dangerous kind.
And the more men who practice semen retention, and do so properly, the more magically enchanted the world will become
And this is a very hazardous thing.
Semen retention is not a life hack or a self improvement tip like taking cold showers or vitamin D supplements.
Semen retention opens up a portal to another dimension through which gods, demons, jinn, and various other entities enter your body and take control.
Semen retention is red magic.
Black magic is magic which uses sex as the primary motive force.
This is the sort of magic that was practiced by Aleister Crowley and the OTO.
In black magic / sex magic, one concentrates all ones focus on the object of ones will during the moment of ejaculation.
In black magic, more sex is better. Instead of saving their seed, black magicians cant get rid of it fast enough.
Black magic is dirty.
I strongly caution against it.
But it does work, at least in a limited sense.
To see how, simply read any decent biography of Crowley. (This one is good.)
Though in doing so, any healthy manwill naturally be filled with revulsion and disgust for his practices which were indeed abhorrent.
White magic is magic which does not use sex, or which at leasttries to minimize its role.
Christian prayer is an example of effective white magic.
Many Christians claim to be against magic, but Christianity itself is a form of magic white magic, that is.
In white magic, either sexual abstinence or marriage is preferred.
White magic does use the energy of sex (all magic doesthere is no magic without sex; all magic is based on sexual energy just as all vehicles require a fuel source.)
However, in white magic, the practitioner attempts to minimize the demonic powers of sexual energy, and to reduce its hold over his life.
For example, Tantric Buddhist monks of the right hand path whopractice white magic will abstain from sex.
However, they also follow certain other practices which ensure that their sexual energy doesnt become too strong.
They dont eat meat or alcohol, and being strong and physically fit is discouraged.
This is because if a man abstains from sex, but also eats meat and makes himself strong and healthy,the sexual life force within him will become overpowering. He won't be able to think of anything but sex. And this is not useful on the path of white magic.
So these white magic monks, although abstaining from ejaculation, willfully attempt to LOWER their testosterone levels so that their sexual energy doesnt distract them.
The same thing is true in Christianity, which advocates a "low testosterone" lifestylein almost every instance in which we find it in the modern world.
Monks and priests, although abstinent, are encouraged to follow a mode of life which will lower their sexual impulses.
A Christian monk who practiced abstinence, while also lifting weights and taking supplements to increase his testosterone, would no longer be a Christian monk.
He would become, after a time, somethingelse entirely.
Meanwhile the Christian man who does not practice abstinence, but who marries, is effectively encouraged to neuter his sex drive by settling with one woman who, in most cases, will naturally become less attractive and/or less sexually available over time, as is the general tendency of all long-term monogamous relationships.
Conventional religion is all about trying to lower a mans sex drive... to make him less potent, less vital.
Marriage usually accomplishes this over time.
Both the woman and the man slowly lose their sexual polarity and their libido.
And the man is thus saved from the constant distraction of sex, and he is able to transmute its underlyingdrive into higher spiritual states, through prayer, fasting, and various other white magic techniques.
But there is a third kind of magic: red magic.
Red magic is the nemesis and the sworn enemy of the other two kinds of magic.
Red magic is the true sex magic.
Red magic is different from black magic, because instead of ejaculating (as in black magic), red magic is based on retaining the seed.
However, red magic also differs from white magic, because instead of trying to minimize the sexual impulse in a mans life (as white magic does) red magic is about deliberately increasing it.
Red magic uses semen retention to bring the force of sexual energy up to a fever pitch within mans organism.
It is about using the energy of sex to deliberately inducedivine madness.
And unlike in white magic, red magic prescribes that a man must become as physically healthy and vigorous as possible.
Lifting weights, increasing testosterone through supplementation, eating massive quantitiesof meat and eggs, surrounding oneself with young fertile women, and even drinking alcohol on occassion to increase the sexual drive and achieve a state of euphoric madness these are all mandatory within red magic, in combination withlong periods of strictsemen retention.
The aim of red magic is consume a man with a FIRE of passion which will eviscerate all lies and all untruths on immediate contact.
The fire of red magic is supremely dangerous, and it is not to be toyed with.
It gives a man the power to command demons and jinn, and it puts him in league with the angels of God.
Red magic gives man the ability to converse with archangels, to see the future, and to freely travel betweenthe physical and astral realm.
It dissolves the barrier between the physical and spiritual world, so that a man has a "foot in both worlds" simultaneously.
It makes him magnetic to the opposite sex and attracts to him healthy young consorts.
It makes him trustworthy, likeable, and causes him to evoke immediate sympathy in anyone he encounters.
However it is also makes him highly dangerous.
Drukpa Kunley was a Tibetan monk of the Left Hand Path who practiced an early variant of red magic.
As Wiki says of him:
"He was known for his crazy methods of enlightening other beings, mostly women, which earned him the title 'The Saint of 5,000 Women'. Among other things, women would seek his blessing in the form of sexual intercourse. His intention was to show that it is possible to be enlightened, impart enlightenment, and still lead a very healthy sex life, and to demonstrate that celibacy was not necessary for being enlightened."
A man who practices red magic is fully conscious of and intimate with his own capacity for evil.
Sexual abstinence creates a massive surplus of sexual energy. (My cup runneth over. Psalms 23:5)
This sexual energy polarizes within the organism.
Either it is transmuted into love (as in white magic), or it becomes evil (as in black magic).
But in red magic a man harnesses and integrates the powers of both love and evil simultaneously. He becomes something higher than both -- Janus, a two faced god containing within himself both goodness and wickedness simultaneously. ("I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."Isaiah 45:7)
Red magic is the most powerful but also the most dangerous, the most combustible, the most explosive kind of magic.
Its patron saint is the archangel Michael. Its symbols are fire, blood, light, heat. Its dominant sentiment is passion.
It is far more potent than either white or black magic.
The 20th century was a black magic age.
The 21st century will be the first age of red magic.
Welcome to the future...
My latest Youtube video:
6 Innocent Touches That Make A Girl Horny Fast (Without Creeping Her Out)
Mike Haines
A.K.A. the pickup professor
A.K.A. the don of direct game
A.K.A. the seductiontechnician
A.K.A. the most electrifying man in underground dating advicetoday
Friends With Benefits -Say these 3 little words to a girl and shell beg you to be her F-buddy, guaranteed
The Girlfriend Button -How to "mind control" any girl into your bed, using simple little text messages
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