The Potential Benefits of Ionized Water for Liver Health

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The Potential Benefits of Ionized Water for Liver Health
Posted on Jun 27, 2024 02:56 pm
Is Ionized Water Healing for the Liver? Let's explore the potential benefits of ionized water for liver health.
The Importance of the Liver to Our Health
The Liver is an important and vital organ. It is the body's primary filtration, eliminating many toxins from entering our bodies.
If the Liver becomes diseased, it can deteriorate other vital organs, such as the heart.
Fatty liver disease is linked to insulin resistance, obesity, and edema, just to name a few. A failing liver can increase the risk of cancer too.
Liver Damage (Fatty Liver Disease)
Fatty liver disease is the usual way that a liver gets damaged. About 30% of all American adults have this disease. The percentage is even higher in adults over 70 years old. Some go for years without knowing they have this disease.
The most common type of fatty liver disease is nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).
Causes of NAFLD (Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease)
It's well known that excessive consumption of alcohol and drugs (including medications) causes liver damage. But what causes nonalcoholic fatty liver disease?
Excess fat in the Liver is often caused by regularly eating too many calories. It can also happen that one's diet is too high in fat, especially junky fats, putting extra stress on the Liver. Also, if you lose weight too fast, it can cause a form of starvation which damages the Liver.Eating excess sugar can contribute to the disease, too. Interestingly enough, drinking too much diet soda (even though there's no sugar or calories in it) can cause a fatty liver condition, too. It probably has to do with the chemicals in diet soda that tax the Liver too much.PFAS: According to an article in Science Direct, PFAS is associated with higher instances of fatty liver disease. "We found that higher serum PFAS was associated with higher fatty liver disease risk and worse liver function. This was especially evident in those with liver disease risk factors, including heavy alcohol intake, obesity, or high-fat diets. Learn how to remove PFAS from your water.
Symptoms of Liver Disease
If you experience symptoms like the following before or in addition to the insulin resistance, obesity, and edema already mentioned above, do something about it. They could be, but not necessarily, an indication of liver disease. Also, someone with liver disease may not necessarily have these or any symptoms.
Abdominal Pain or swellingBloating & gasBruisingDark urineDrowsinessWeaknessConstipation or diarrheaHigh blood pressureYellowing skin or eyesAcid reflux & heartburnItchy skin or hivesInability to lose weightNosebleedsSensitivity to alcohol, chemicals, or drugs
The Remarkable Regenerative Power of the Liver
The Liver can regenerate itself like no other organ. Here's how the Liver heals and regenerates.
Liver regeneration is the remarkable process by which the Liver can replace damaged or lost liver tissue and function normally after a massive injury. This unique ability sets the Liver apart from other organs in our bodies. The Liver is like a starfish in its ability to regenerate. No other organ in our bodies is quite like this.When a portion of the Liver is removed or otherwise damaged, the Liver's cells divide and regrow the lost tissue within days. The growing Liver can double its original size within four to six weeks.The Liver is the only internal organ that can regenerate, and it can even regrow to its regular size after up to 90% of it has been removed. What happens is that immature liver cells grow larger to replace damaged tissue. Sometimes, the Liver can regenerate this way in just a few days. According to the US Department of Veteran Affairs, the Liver can repair itself completely, and within a month, the patient may show no signs of damage.
But I'm not telling you this to make light of Liver diseases. It's far better to prevent the disease than to treat it after the fact.
Natural Treatments for Liver Disease
An article by Johns Hopkins says, "The most effective treatment for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is weight loss, which has been shown to decrease the amount of fat in the liver and the inflammation caused by the fat." But watch out for how you lose weight. There are healthy and unhealthy ways. Learn more about the how and why of healthy weight loss. I suggest to maintain a healthy weight as a means of preventing liver damage.Liver Detoxification is another natural way to help heal the Liver. It is a process that helps remove harmful substances from the body, promoting overall health. The next section goes over ways to detoxify the liver.
Natural and Inexpensive Substances for Liver Detox
Potassium helps to cleanse the Liver. So, a diet rich in high-potassium foods like watermelon, tomato sauces, spinach, and bananas is beneficial if you're trying to detox your Liver. Believe it or not, coffee is another well-known substance that helps detox the Liver. I always make my coffee with alkaline ionized water, which makes it the healthiest and best-tasting coffee ever. Drinking lots of water is an effective way to help heal the Liver. It is one of the best liver detox methods. But make sure it's the right kind of water.Drinking water helps the liver filter and remove toxins from what you eat, drink, inhale, or put on your skin. Drinking water also helps flush waste from the body, thin the blood, and dissolve fats and soluble fiber.
Hard Water (Not Soft Water) is Beneficial to the Liver.
Water plays a crucial role in liver health, but it must be ensured that it's the right kind.
study of the right kind of water to heal liver disease found that water hardness was excellent and soft water was terrible. "Soft water was associated with a significant fivefold increase in the odds of hospital admission for alcoholic liver disease compared with hard water at 121% versus 87% of the national rate."
So many people have been fooled by the idea of the healthiness of pure water in the sense of stripping it of all its minerals. However, many studies show that hard water is healthier than soft water. Hard water has a positive influence on cardiovascular health, liver health, and general body health. Here are a couple of reports about it:
Daily Mail, in the UKEuropean Journal of Epidemiology
The Pivotal Role of Ionized Water in Liver Health
research page contains many studies showing the benefits of ionized water for the Liver. Ionized water seems to benefit every organ in the body.
Specifically for the Liver, some compelling studies suggest that ionized water (electrolyzed alkaline water) and hydrogen water are helpful for liver regeneration and the prevention of liver disease.
A controlled, randomized, single-blind human clinical study shows that hydrogen water alleviates liver injury due to chemotherapy.A 2018 study on mice shows or suggests that alkaline ionized water or hydrogen water may help reduce nonalcoholic liver disease. Using ionized water in their experiments, they found that "H2 has a surprisingly positive impact in preventing NAFLD (Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease)." [Note: H2 is a key agent in ionized water (electrolyzed alkaline water) and hydrogen water. They isolated that it's the H2 that is specifically responsible for the liver healing in the mice.This human study shows that drinking hydrogen-rich water reduces the stress markers connected with radiation therapy.This human study shows that hydrogen-rich water helps alleviate oxidative stress in patients with chronic Hepatitis B.Animal studies show that alkaline ionized water assists the intestinal environment and has beneficial health effects on cholesterol metabolism and liver protection.
If the Liver can regenerate, then why do people need transplants?
In advanced cases of liver cancer or cirrhosis (excess scar tissue), it may be necessary to remove the entire Liver.Or if you keep on injuring the Liver and don't even try to heal it, the level of scarring and possibly even cancer can become too great and urgent to allow it to repair itself.
It is definitely extreme to have such severe injury that it's beyond being able to be healed. So don't let it get to that point!
You know that drugs, including medications, damage the Liver, so try to be healthier using natural means.
A Note About "Real Water" and Why itDamages the Liver
Real Water is a bottled water brand that claims alkalinized and ionized. It actually isn't even really alkaline. Nor is it ionized.
In my tests, it was about 6.5 pH (slightly acidic). It's entirely unrelated to ionized water, yet medical journalists seem to have latched onto it to discount the benefits of authentic ionized water anyway. Watch out for people who generalize and try to discount all natural healing products because of one product's faults.
Real Water is or was the furthest from natural and real that water can get. It was stripped of all the real and natural healthy minerals before being put in the company's alkaline (toxic rocket fuel) version.
I was onto Real Water years ago, whenI examined many bottled water brands. It claimed to be alkalinized and ionized, but that was a false labeling of their product. My testing showed that Real Water had a pH of 6.5.
The lesson here is something I've said many times. Watch out for all bottled water. Even if its label states, it's alkaline and/or ionized. Or if it's labeled as pristine spring water, it will never be good to drink. Another page debunking bottled water is my post about vitalenergy levels in water.
Natural Healing of the Liver
It always pays to know many ways to heal your body naturally.
So, if you think you have liver issues, do your own full search on the kinds of foods and drinks that are known to help heal it.
But I do have a disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to replace the advice of a healing professional, especially if you suspect or know you have any kind of liver disease.
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