Buying Event Coming Up Next Weekend - June 8th and 9th


Sent on 30 May 2024 03:15 PM

Text Summary Of This Email

Hi Tim,
I just released a new video about where my business is going and the massive changes it's going through and what we will be talking about at the Buying Event next weekend.
The NEW techniques I've been testing and tweaking these past four years, are exploding.
Everyone I've taught who is using these techniques diligently, are seeing their incomes blow up. And even better than that, in my opinion, they are seeing their portfolio values skyrocket.
It's great to have a healthy income, but the way you get rich in real estate is to own more property.
You have to build your portfolio because, if you do, it will create generational wealth that will feed you for the rest of your life.
If you do it right, you will learn how to build it so it PAYS OFF the mortgage quickly and gives you CASHFLOW every month - even BEFORE it's paid off.
My next two day event is coming up on June 8th and 9th.
As my 6 month mentor students are starting to discover, my business model is changing. I've been talking a lot about it in our group coaching calls and we are all teaching each other because we are testing and using cutting edge techniques that haven't been used quite this way before.
I sit in AWE of the other investors in my coaching group. Some of them are absolute newbies with fire in their bellies and a willingness to learn and some of them are grizzled old veterans with millions of dollars in deals under their belts who aren't surprised by anything.
And they are all there for each other - with lots of love and compassion and understanding - because they've all been *there* too. They know what it takes to get up and running.
It's always exciting to have them bring another win to the group - usually a deal that the whole group helped them think through and develop.
I don't know if you've ever been part of a mastermind group, but I can tell you from the decades of experience I've had with mine, there is NOTHING that will help you succeed like surrounding yourself with likeminded, hungry, excited, creative individuals who will support you like you were family and kick your butt if you start spouting BS.
I hate to sound like a 16 year old cheerleader, but man, I am so excited by what we are all working on!
This is the most fascinating and dynamic market I have ever seen (since I started in 1986). We have tools today that make our lives so much easier. Some of these tools I've built (the automarketer), some of them we borrow or rent from others.
We also bring in others to help us. Outsourcing! It's how you EXTRACT yourself from your business. It's how you sit back and work ON your business instead of IN your business. I'm going to get into great detail about how to do this at my event in June.
There are FIVE types of investors I'm willing to work with right now. Do you fit any of these categories?
These are the categories of people I'm helping to build million dollar portfolios and create six figure incomes.
Here are my categories. I call this the INVESTOR LADDER.
We'll start at the top rung...
1. Investors who have both money to invest and the time to run a business.
2. Investors who have money to invest but no time to do the work. Passive Investors.
3. Investors who have money to invest but no credit. They can't get a mortgage (at the moment), but they've got cash to invest.
4. Investors who have NO money but good credit. They have FICO scores over 700+, but can't come up with any money to invest.
5. Investors who have no money to invest and bad credit. This is the way MOST investors START in this business. Like my Grandpa Pete used to say, "There's no shame in being poor, it's just damned inconvenient." But I'm telling you, we've ALL been there - don't let this stop you.
The people at the top of the 'Ladder' can make money with LESS EFFORT.
The people at the bottom of the list can also make money, but it requires more effort.
Let's face it, if you don't have any money, you're going to have to put in more effort. At least for a little while. You can move yourself up the 'Ladder' pretty quickly if you do the work and use the techniques I teach.
Before long, you will improve your skills, improve your credit and raise money to do more deals.
They say you need money to make money, but I say, "If you can't make money with NO money, you probably can't make money WITH money." Learn what I teach and implement it and you will move up the Investor Ladder.
And here is the thing that surprises nearly everyone. It sure surprised me when I first figured it out...
The RUNG you stand on the ladder is NOT a predictor for how much money you're going to make.
You heard that right. Just because you have lots of money and great credit doesn't mean you'll make as much as the guy who doesn't have two nickels to rub together.
And I'm not saying it's a crap shoot. It's not based on luck. It's based on knowledge and skill or just raw money (cash to invest). You can do it with either MONEY or WORK AND SKILL. But if you don't have one, you'll need to put in the other.
Raw money won't make you money. You either have to find someone who knows how to make money for you or you have to know how to do it yourself.
Knowledge and skill, combined with effort, can make you money even if you have no money or credit.
It's very important to understand this distinction.
IMPORTANT: If you didn't get it, go back and read this again because it will make ALL the difference whether or not you are successful.
So if you're still with me, if you are still reading this long letter, it's because you...
1. Either have money to invest.
2. You are willing to put in the time to create skill and knowledge.
This isn't digging ditches. You don't have go through years of training. You can do this in three to six months. It's not rocket science.
I've got students who make more than brain surgeons and they learned and created their businesses in MONTHS, not YEARS.
I'm going to teach you how to do all this on June 8th and 9th. Two FULL days of training. My two-day event will be held on Zoom so you can sit in from the comfort of your own home. We will spend all day together on both days. You will learn techniques that will blow your mind.
You will also become part of my mentor program and get access to the password protected training vault I give to all my students. And you will be invited to my bi-weekly coaching calls with my mastermind group AND be allowed to send me your questions and contracts to review by email. And the response you get when you send those emails will be from ME personally. I don't delegate this to anyone. I'm there for you.
Here are some of the things I'm going to teach you to do during this weekend and during the 6 months that follow in my six month mentor program.
> How to turn a $200,000 investment into $100,000 a year for the rest of your life. Without doing ANYTHING. Your investment does the work for you.
> How to build a million dollar portfolio in two years with no money and no credit using these five zero down structure techniques that I use every day.
> Learn to use software to automate 90% of your real estate investing business. Yes, it's become THAT sophisticated. But don't stress out over it, if you can use email, you can use our system. I'm going to teach you all the tools I use.
> You will learn how to outsource 9% of your real estate business so that you only have to do 1% of the work (90% automated - 9% outsourced - 1% you). You really can run an active real estate investing business on 8 to 10 hours a week if you set it up properly. I personally do it in LESS time than that. If you like to work more and enjoy the work, you'll make even more and you'll do it faster.
> I'll teach you how to bring in an endless stream of motivated buyer and seller leads to work with you, for pennies per lead.
> You will even learn how to make money on properties you buy for FULL price in a seller's market. We've had to learn how to do this over the last 4 years because the market all over the country has been booming. You can build your wealth in just a few years. The secret is in how you acquire the properties, what kind you acquire, where you acquire them and how you manage them.
> You will learn how, when the market finally turns, to build a bank balance like Scrooge McDuck. And the market is turning right now. You need to be ready. You need to understand what to do and how to do it so you can strike while the iron is HOT. Big market adjustments happen every 15 or 20 years. I've been through TWO in my entire career. The first one (1991) took me down (I was an idiot). The second one (2008) made me a fortune because I was ready for it. Did you miss the last one? Are you ready for this one?
> You will also learn how to make amazing deals even when interest rates are high. I started this business when interest rates were 18% for a 30-year mortgage. When it finally went down to 11%, we thought we were in hog heaven. If you're waiting for interest rates to change, you are being left behind.
If you work in the right areas, your investments will skyrocket.
I'll show you where we are working where the market is appreciating an average of 10% per year. This is based on a 30-year average. I can't think of too many things in business that are more consistent.
If you buy a $300,000 property starting today, next year, it'll be worth $330,000. If you buy three of these houses, you'll have made 90,000 in one year for doing nothing except owning the property.
That doesn't include the money you make on monthly cash flow, down payment assistance income, tax depreciation, buy down in the note, or income from least option tenants or renters.
So by this calculation, you lose about $10,000 a month by doing nothing. How long are you going to procrastinate?
My program is not for everyone. You have to fit into one of the criteria above and be willing to show up for 2 days in June.
My 6-month mentor program cost $10,000. It's not cheap. It's almost as expensive as going to college for one semester.
If you are a member of my cash flow newsletter subscription, which cost $39.95 a month, I'll give you a discount on my mentor program of 30% ($3,000). So that brings it down to $7,000. If you're not a member, you can sign up.
You can start the program with $2,000 initially and make payments of $416.67 for 12 months. ($7k total)
And if you pay in a lump sum instead of making payments, I'll reduce the price by ANOTHER $1,300. That means your total cost would be $5,700.
And in that cost, I'm going to INCLUDE 6 months of automarketer usage. The normal cost for the automarketer is $199 a month (a $1,200 savings).
I've never made my program this affordable before.
I've never had such cutting edge material to teach.
I've never seen such amazing success stories with my students. Check them out if you are interested:
I'm looking for people who want to have great income and build a multi-million dollar portfolio.
If you're interested, call me at 317-598-1220. You can ask me any questions you have that aren't covered on this page:
When you call, I'm also going to ask YOU questions to make sure you understand what I'm offering and that you're a good fit to work with me and my group.
First, you have to fit one of the categories above. I need to know which one you're in.
Second, you need to be willing to put in 8 to 10 hours a week learning this material and putting it into practice. You won't have to do that for the rest of your life. Just to get it going.
Third, no whiners are complainers are allowed. Only people with positive attitudes should apply. I don't need negative energy in my life or my group and neither do any of the other people I work with. This rule is my way of protecting my students as well as making my life better.
There's a thing called opportunity cost. If you don't do something, you lose money.
Based on my calculations above, just three properties over the next year makes you $10,000 a month. Doing nothing loses you that same 10,000 a MONTH.
By the way, if you love real estate investing, we have a great time at these events. I think you will love being there.
Watch your emails in the days to come. I'll be telling you more about what I'm going to teach. I've barely scratched the surface.
If you're interested, read the webpage about the program. It outlines everything that is included.
After that, if it makes sense to you, then give me a call at 317-598-1220.
I've been having more fun these days than I've had in years. I hope you'll join us.
Best wishes,Joe Crump
PS - Here is a link to the page that explains the Mentor Program - what is included and what it costs.
And here are a bunch of my Student Interview Videos: This is a program that really does change lives. I've seen it over and over again since I started teaching my systems back in 1999 and they've grown like crazy since then. Most of these videos are more recent students so you can see the results they've had in my program, some of them are older. It's nothing short of amazing when you hear some of the stories these folks tell. AND you will learn how they put their business together - they aren't just patting me on the back, they actually tell you how they did it. You can watch them here:
And this is a link to the automation program that my mentor students and many other investors use daily. FOR A LIMITED TIME this program is now included in my mentor program for new students for 6 months. It will make your job a lot easier.
If you don't have my new book yet: It is titled, "How To Make A Million Dollars In 2 Years"
Get a 30 day free trial ($4.95 for postage) of my monthly Cashflow Secrets Newsletter (snail mailed to your door):
Get the Push Button Automarketer system and get a constant stream of motivated seller leads for a couple bucks each.
Don't have time to invest? Would you like me to build your portfolio for you? If you have at least $120k to invest, check out my "Done For You" program. We call it the GRS Program (Get Rich Slow). Check it out here:
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