Your EMF Exposure Guide and 5% Discount is Here!

Welcome to SafeSleeve!

Safe Sleeve

Sent on 15 October 2022 12:31 PM

Text Summary Of This Email

Welcome to SafeSleeve!
Thank you for signing up for the SafeSleeve newsletter! From now on, you will receive occasional updates and exclusive offers on our best-in-class EMF radiation blocking products.
Click the button below to download your free EMR exposure guide.
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We at SafeSleeve are driven by a desire to provide you and your loved ones with EMF radiation education and protection. In doing so, we prioritize customer experience, while maintaining the highest level of integrity and social responsibility.
Our solutions enhance the usability, functionality, and style of your mobile devices, while incorporating lab tested shielding technology that is proven to block up to 99% of EMF radiation.
Have Any Questions?
Simply reply to this email and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!
- The SafeSleeve Team
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Carlsbad, CA 92009
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