CLOSING TONIGHT: "It's Not All in Your Head"

If youve ever been dismissed or disbelieved

The V-core Lift Essential For Women''s Pel

Sent on 12 February 2024 06:39 AM

Text Summary Of This Email

If youve ever been dismissed or disbelieved
Hi Tim,
Its all in your head.
If youre a woman over 40, this nightmare has probably happened to you:
Your pelvic and bladder symtoms - dismissed.
Your fears - ignored.
Your concerns - hushed up.
Hushed up by doctors and Western medicine that have a very long history of calling women hysterical and overreacting.
If youve ever been made to feel like your pelvic and bladder symptoms arent real, or theres nothing we can do or been prescribed pills that dont solve the problem
This is not only WRONGits INFURIATING.and its DANGEROUS.
Dangerous because if our pelvic and bladder issues arent dealt with, they dont go away on their own - they just get worse.
And it doesnt just affect your pelvic floor, it affects your entire body and your overall health - and your mental health too.
And thats actually the point.
Because it actually IS All in your head
I fully believe in the power of our MIND to heal the body.
Ive seen it too many times, in my own life and for my clients and students, to deny it - your mindset determines how quickly you can heal.
And thats GOOD NEWS!
Because it puts the power back in YOUR hands.
Not with some doctor or surgery or pill.
The power to decide if you want to heal is YOURS - and its free for you to claim at any moment.
That moment can be now - before we close enrollment for Female Pelvic Freedom.
And when you DECIDE that youre ready to heal, that its not only possible, its going to happen - thats when I step in, take you by the hand, and walk you through EXACTLY what to do, step by step.safely!
You dont need to take this journey alone.
But you DO need to take that first step.
Take the first step and join us in Female Pelvic Freedom NOW!
which walks you through the same tips I give my VIP 1:1 clients to keep them motivated and on top of their game, doing the things that bring them closer to their pelvic and bladder goals.
There are just a few hours left before we close the doors.
Grab the bonuses, discounts before it all goes away.
Big LOve,
P.S. Have a question? The info page has a live chat - click here to chat or text the word question to 917-399-7878 and we'll contact you right away.
I KNOW THE STRUGGLE.You might not know this about me, but there was a time when I couldnt even heal myself!
It was after the birth of my daughter in 2004.
Her birth was intense, and my postpartum recovery was pure hell. I had the new mom trifecta of leaking, painful lovemaking, and bladder prolapse
And no one had warned me about how it would affect literally every part of my life. In those days, there wasnt enough information on pelvic health, and so I suffered for a long time in silence and in shame. I had zero libido, and I felt a wave of guilt every time I told my partner I wasnt in the mood
I carried panty liners and pads everywhere I went
And I could barely do everyday things, like lifting my daughter or walking around the supermarket
I felt like half a woman. And when I finally said, enough is enough and started making appointments with the best doctors in NYCI discovered that they actually had no clue what was going on with me!
I took myself on a Doctor Road Show where I was prescribed pain meds, muscle relaxers, and even Botox injections for my lady parts (ouch!). I paid out thousands of dollars to these doctors and I still had no answers. Not one of these doctors touched or examined my pelvic floor.
Sadly, this is the reality today for many women. Maybe this is your experience too.
Youre not the only one, not by a long shot. Having pelvic floor symptoms may be common, and affect up to 50% of women, but it is not normal. I am here to help you avoid the pitfalls and make meaningful progress starting today.
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