When women were birds...

They healed the world with joy

The V-core Lift Essential For Women''s Pel

Sent on 21 June 2024 06:07 AM

Text Summary Of This Email

They healed the world with joy
My daughter recently lent me a book called When Women Were Birds.
Its a beautiful and touching book.
The author inherits all of her mothers journals, only to find that theyre blank
So she spends the pages of her book contemplating her mothers memory, legacy, and examines their relationship.
It was stunning.
But what really got me was at the end, there were blank pages for you to fill in on your own.
I couldnt resist peeking at what my daughter had written, so I didafter I asked for her permission of course.
On the last page, in looping, elegant script I read:
I think I should like to never betray myself.
Those words punched me in the gut as I remembered all the times Id betrayed myself over the years.
The times I felt small and helpless.
The times I didnt stand up for myself when I knew what was going on was wrong.
I cringed as I thought about:
The days I said yes when every fiber of my being screamed no.
The time when I started taking medications for my pelvic pain.
The moment a friend's husband brushed against me inappropriately and I remained silent because I was too afraid to speak up and assert my boundaries.
These instances may seem small, but over time, they chip away at your self-worth, confidence, and ability to stand up for yourself.
I see a lot of women in my programs who have spent a lifetime betraying themselves.
Theyve put themselves last for so long
And for many of them, joining my program is the first time theyve prioritized their own self-care.
At the beginning of the program, they are hopeful but still skeptical about this whole putting yourself first thing.
Its such a joy to watch them transform each and every one of them, into more of themselves.
They blossom.
Become more assertive and bold.
And they laugh easier as they move toward joy more and more every day.
Staying true to yourself is a choice.
Not one thats always easy to make.
But Ive yet to see a woman who chose herself regret the decision.
Are you ready to choose yourself? Are you ready to spread joy simply by being more of who you are?
Are you willing to put yourself at the very front of the line and unlock:
A life free of pelvic pain
The ability to sneeze without fear
Passion for your partner
Tim, its time.
You deserve every bit of freedom and joy that healing brings.
In Your Corner Now and Always, Isa
P.S. Dont forget to scroll through my GOODIES for your this week ;) Theyre my gift to you, and I know youll love them.
Featured FREE Workshop: Mistake-Free Kegels, This Saturday
Come learn a proper Kegel for $0 with me June 22 at 10 AM EST
Write up: Its HERE! Tomorrows the Mistake-Free Kegel Workshop and you do not want to miss it! So many women are doing Kegels wrong. Trust me, after healing over 20K+ I can bet that if you think Kegels dont work its because of your technique. Let me correct that for you!
Grab one of the last seats HERE
Featured Free Gift Plus VIP Ticket: Lady Parts First Aid Kit + Tix for Mistake Free Workshop
Download the incredible Ebook and get a FREE workshop ticket.
Write up: The free event of the year is here, and its even better with my wildly popular Lady Parts First Aid Kit. Its filled with my best tips and tricks for your trickiest struggles down there. This book is invaluable to keep in your digital library so you can turn to it when you need it most.
Download the book and get your ticket for $0
Featured SALE: Save 75% off The V-Core Lift Essentials Self-Guided- BIG SALE!!!
Vitamine D
The most affordable version of my V-Core Lift is here because you asked!
Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get everything you need to fix your pelvic floor and bladder at the most affordable price ever! My most popular and wildly effective program, the V-Core Lift, is now available for any woman who wants a strong, leak-free, prolapse-free, and pain-free pelvic floor. If you're truly serious about putting your pelvic and bladder struggles behind you for GOOD, this is your sign.
Seize this chance and save a whopping 73% here!
Featured Supplement:Total Fem Calm and Clarity
Finally, deeply rest your body and your mind
This is your chance to try out my incredible Calm and Clarity formula. It will help you nod off to dream land without any addictive or habit-forming ingredients. And it will take the edge of racing thoughts, too. Plus, once youve experienced what a truly calmed nervous system feels like, your body will respond in ways you havent imagined.
Check out Calm and Clarity here.
Featured Kit: Happy Va-jay-Jay Kit
Love your V from the outside in and inside out!
As you age, your estrogen DROPS. And that means your tissues down there start to feel dry and itchy. And your bladder becomes more prone to infections. And lets face it, your love life suffers big time. This kit is designed to give your V love on the inside and on the outside. It gives her the moisture and bioidentical hormones she needs to start feeling more like her old self, quickly.
Grab my most popular duo here.
Words of Wisdom:
Once upon a time, when women were birds, there was the simple understanding that to sing at dawn and to sing at dusk was to heal the world through joy.
~Terry Tempest Williams
In your corner now and always,
PS - Help me get my Instagram to 16K followers. Click here to follow me on Instagram. Discover new content and peek behind the curtain.
I KNOW THE STRUGGLE. You might not know this about me, but there was a time when I couldnt even heal myself!
It was after the birth of my daughter in 2004.
Her birth was intense, and my postpartum recovery was pure hell. I had the new mom trifecta of leaking, painful lovemaking, and bladder prolapse
And no one had warned me about how it would affect literally every part of my life. In those days, there wasnt enough information on pelvic health, and so I suffered for a long time in silence and in shame. I had zero libido, and I felt a wave of guilt every time I told my partner I wasnt in the mood
I carried panty liners and pads everywhere I went
And I could barely do everyday things, like lifting my daughter or walking around the supermarket
I felt like half a woman. And when I finally said, enough is enough and started making appointments with the best doctors in NYCI discovered that they actually had no clue what was going on with me!
I took myself on a Doctor Road Show where I was prescribed pain meds, muscle relaxers, and even Botox injections for my lady parts (ouch!). I paid out thousands of dollars to these doctors and I still had no answers. Not one of these doctors touched or examined my pelvic floor.
Sadly, this is the reality today for many women. Maybe this is your experience too.
Youre not the only one, not by a long shot. Having pelvic floor symptoms may be common, and affect up to 50% of women, but it is not normal. I am here to help you avoid the pitfalls and make meaningful progress starting today.
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